Sierra leone fun facts

Sierra Leone. The country has one of the world's largest deposits of rutile. Sierra Leone is also home to the third largest natural harbour in the world. Shipping from all over the globe goes to Freetown's famous Queen Elizabeth II Quay. Despite this natural wealth, 70% of its people live in poverty.

50,707 Views · What are the most mind-blowing tricks used during any war? 9,181,151 Views · What are some fun facts about Sierra Leone? Sierra Leone mudslide: What, where and why? | Humanitarian crises ... Aug 14, 2017 ... On August 14 a mudslide killed hundreds on the outskirts of Sierra Leone's capital Freetown. Here is what we know. 25 Things You Should Know About Blood Diamonds - List25 Nov 18, 2013 ... For example, during the civil war in Sierra Leone a group known as the Revolutionary ... 25 Facts That Will Scar You For The Rest Of Your Life. Getting to Know Africa: 50 Interesting Facts… – National Geographic ...

Geography for Kids: Sierra Leone - Ducksters

Five reasons to visit Sierra Leone - Visit Sierra Leone (VSL Subscribe to the VSL NewsletterJoin our mailing list to receive the travel/tourism news and updates from our team. Subscribe! You have Successfully Subscribed! Essay leone civil sierra facts on war One of their first civil wars, however, happened essay leone civil sierra facts on war during a period of chaos. E. We read every letter, fax, or e-mail.

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Take a look below for 30 more interesting and fascinating facts about Sierra Leone. 1. Sierra Leone is made up of five administrative regions: the Northern Province, North West Province, Eastern Province, Southern Province and the Western Area. Sierra Leone Facts for Kids Fun Facts About Sierra Leone. The languages used in Sierra Leone are English, Mende, Temne and Krio. Most people are Muslim, Christian or follow a native religion. People in Sierra Leone can expect to live 43 years. Only 31 percent of adults can read. More men than women know how to read. 10 facts about Sierra Leone - fun and interesting Sierra ... Ten fun facts about Sierra Leone Fact 1 The country’s name has been derived from the words "Serra Leao," which in Portuguese mean- "Lion Mountain Range". Fact 2 Sierra Leone is one of the smallest republics in Africa and in terms of size it ranks as the 118th largest country in the world. 12 Interesting Facts About Sierra Leone (The Land of ...

Sierra Leone mudslide: What, where and why? | Humanitarian crises ...

Sierra Leone retained a greater role for traditional, or customary, law than most other African countries. A former British territory that obtained independence in 1961, Sierra Leone adopted a “general law” based on English common law and on the statutes of the national legislature. In… 10 Important Facts to Know About Hunger in Sierra Leone Here are 10 facts about hunger in Sierra Leone: There are more than 6.4 million people living in Sierra Leone, 52.9 percent of whom live below the national poverty line. Malnutrition is the greatest cause of child mortality in Sierra Leone, accounting for nearly half of all child deaths.

Interesting Sierra Leone Facts: Pedro de Sintra was the first European to give a name to Sierra Leone's region, calling the area around current-day Freetown Harbour - 'Serra de Leoa', which means 'lioness Mountains' in Portuguese.

Sierra Leone Web - Facts and Information About Sierra Leone Information on Sierra Leone's Embassies, High Commissions and UN Mission. Reference. CIA World Factbook (Link) The information is always not up-to-date or entirely accurate, but it provides a starting point for information about Sierra Leone. Bibliography. A partial bibliography of books relating to Sierra Leone. Compiled by Peter C. Andersen Interesting Facts about Sierra Leone and its Civil War - A ... Interesting Facts about Sierra Leone and its Civil War. May 20, 2014, cherran, Leave a comment . Sierra Leone is a country located towards the north-west side of the African continent. The capital of the country is Freetown, which was founded for former repatriated slaves in 1787. Till 1961, it was a part of the British colonial empire. Facts About Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone Facts - Important and Interesting Facts about Sierra Leone Sierra Leone,in West Africa, is a country flanked by Guinea in the North,Liberia in the Southeast and the Atlantic Ocean in the Southwest. 12 Interesting Facts About Sierra Leone (The Land of Diamonds!) - Afrikanza